Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and the New Year.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Some Tips for Perfecting your Parking Skills
To avoid accidents and save time, there are plenty of small tips to bear in mind the next time you go to reverse park into a tight space, or parallel park on a congested street, but here's a few of them to get you started.
Small scrapes and bumps are very common in car parks, where space is usually of a premium. When you find the best spot to park in, first decide whether to reverse in or go nose first, and then remember to go slowly. Though you'll hopefully not cause any serious accidents while parking, it can still be expensive to fix that scratched paint work if you're not careful. Simply reducing your speed immediately gives you a far greater margin for error and allows you time to consider each movement and amend any mistakes as you go.
Next is observation. By being aware of what is around you on all sides, it can reduce the likelihood of accidents and will improve your spatial awareness, so when you come to get out of the car, you won't find that you're parked too close to even open your driver's door! A simple fix to prevent you from denting your bumper (or anyone else’s) is parking sensors. They can be used both front and rear and will help you park more accurately in no time.
In a busy street or packed multi-storey car park, it’s easy for drivers to get competitive over parking spaces. Don’t. Remember that keeping control of the car is essential at all times, so you should try to avoid any actions that could provoke other drivers. Maintain common courtesy while parking that you would use throughout your day to day life, as this will keep you relaxed and focused as you go to park.
Finally, don’t forget the little things that will make the job of parking easier. Before you begin the manoeuvre, make sure you’re aware of what’s around you and, just as importantly, make sure fellow drivers are aware of you. Signal clearly and early, allowing drivers plenty of time to give you room to park, and be considerate of how much space you take up too - always aim for the minimum.
Though there are plenty of car insurance companies out there, follow these simple tips and hopefully your parking will be bump-free in the future.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Why Cheap Car Insurance for Women?
"Woman driver!" Usually not a statement of praise. The truth is, though, the level of insurance, the board, is cheaper for women. That's a pretty big argument that maybe they are better drivers than men. The important point here, though, is that there is more than just sex to get cheap car insurance.
Why Cheap Car Insurance for Women - The simple reason is that the auto insurance industry to see women as less than the risk to ensure than men. Women tend to be safer drivers, taking fewer risks, and have fewer accidents. When women have their accident or injury likely to be small fender benders are not an accident that resulted in major damage or total vehicle.
Search For Cheaper Price - One of the best things one can do (male or female) is to shop around for the best insurance. The emergence of the Internet has made the process relatively easy. From the comfort and privacy in your own home you can shop various providers. There are even insurance rate comparison website available to further simplify the process. In addition, some companies offer up to 10% for online shopping.
Take advantage of the Woman's Cheaper Rate - If less expensive to ensure a woman driver, why not have a policy in his name and then make a man an insured driver on his policy? It will prove much cheaper than vice versa. If the policy is in the name of the person, adding a woman driver would tend to bring them down premium rates.
Some Tips to Reduce Premiums - Here are some ideas that could save everyone the extra money on their insurance rates.
1. Working on your driving record. Consider your driving habits. Remain within the legal speed limit, do not take risks, and give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going to go. A good driving record can significantly affect the price of insurance.
2. You can increase the deductible (the amount you pay first, before the insurance kicks in on the claim). Would be wise to have the amount of your deductible in savings just in case.
3. Can go for long periods of time without making a claim on your policy may be eligible to claim your discount without. Check with your insurance provider.
4. Discounts can also be given if the feature car immobilizer or a satellite tracking device.
Yes, cheaper car insurance for women than men, in general. There is, though, in ways that even greater discounts that can be achieved and for men to take advantage of cheaper prices of women.
Why Cheap Car Insurance for Women - The simple reason is that the auto insurance industry to see women as less than the risk to ensure than men. Women tend to be safer drivers, taking fewer risks, and have fewer accidents. When women have their accident or injury likely to be small fender benders are not an accident that resulted in major damage or total vehicle.
Search For Cheaper Price - One of the best things one can do (male or female) is to shop around for the best insurance. The emergence of the Internet has made the process relatively easy. From the comfort and privacy in your own home you can shop various providers. There are even insurance rate comparison website available to further simplify the process. In addition, some companies offer up to 10% for online shopping.
Take advantage of the Woman's Cheaper Rate - If less expensive to ensure a woman driver, why not have a policy in his name and then make a man an insured driver on his policy? It will prove much cheaper than vice versa. If the policy is in the name of the person, adding a woman driver would tend to bring them down premium rates.
Some Tips to Reduce Premiums - Here are some ideas that could save everyone the extra money on their insurance rates.
1. Working on your driving record. Consider your driving habits. Remain within the legal speed limit, do not take risks, and give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going to go. A good driving record can significantly affect the price of insurance.
2. You can increase the deductible (the amount you pay first, before the insurance kicks in on the claim). Would be wise to have the amount of your deductible in savings just in case.
3. Can go for long periods of time without making a claim on your policy may be eligible to claim your discount without. Check with your insurance provider.
4. Discounts can also be given if the feature car immobilizer or a satellite tracking device.
Yes, cheaper car insurance for women than men, in general. There is, though, in ways that even greater discounts that can be achieved and for men to take advantage of cheaper prices of women.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Choose Insurance Losses Right
You want to buy the insurance policy? Do not hurry. There are some things that need to be considered when determining what insurance products you want to use, either for yourself or for your employer. Some tips can help you.
1. Separate the items / objects in accordance with its economic calculation
Choose items that really need to be insured, so you have nothing to lose. For example, if you intend to take fire insurance for the house and household furniture, then you do not need to enter the computer and all the trimmings into the calculation. Why? Because the recovery value for the computer company is very low if compared at the time of the purchase value of the computer or be insured at the time.
Another example, you will take the insurance of motor vehicles (cars) on the company's assets. If the cars that will be insured are aged over 10 years, the economic cost of insurance premiums will be greater. Another case if the company can set their own / self-insurance on the vehicle's assets.
2. Identify goods / objects are clearly
You should first identify the goods / objects that will be insured. For example, the Toyota Corolla sedan in 1998. At the company, such as a garment factory and its machinery, generators and other equipment associated with the event factory.
3. Choose your insurance company with a good reputation
Do not be fooled by insurance companies that provide premium rate (the amount paid for a given protection unit) is low or high premium discount. If you do, can-can the insurance company can not claim complete payment when you make a claim against them.
4. Give information clearly
Give very clear description of the object you are insured to the insurance / insurance broker. Instead, ask-more complete information about the insurance products they offer. You can ask about the types of insurance, extensive warranties, rate premiums, deductibles (the amount of expenses you will pay before the insurance company began paying compensation), cut or claim procedures.
5. Ask the scope of insurance coverage (insurance coverage) is best
You should ask the most extensive insurance before the insurance guarantee insurance policy is issued.
For example, for fire insurance you can ask RSMD Fire Insurance 4.1.A or 4.1.B earthquake (earthquake) flood (flood). Property insurance for buildings, you can ask property covers all risks (PAR). If you want to insure your vehicle, ask your motor vehicle insurance covers all risks RSMD 4.1.A, etc..
6. Select a package of insurance products
Instead of just choosing one insurance product, you are encouraged to select one package at once. That way you will get discount facilities and better services. For example the purchase of home insurance (fire insurance) following cars (Car Insurance) and personal accident for family members.
7. Request system "First Loss Insurance"
Special coverage for objects that have a value / a very large number, for example over Rp 100 billion, have the system of "first loss insurance" to the insurance that the premium you pay is not too large.
8. Ask the system "Adjustable Policy"
Value / amount of insurance stock merchandise usually indicates a different volume every day or every month. To fix this, you can ask the system "adjustable policy". With this system you will pay premiums in accordance with the volume / transaction really have to do.
9. Read, thorough and asked
Read it carefully and examine the contents of the policy statements and articles, chapters. Ask about the procedures that will claim you did before agreeing to an insurance policy issuance.
If there are errors in writing, either on the object of insurance or other information, immediately notify the insurance company / insurance broker. They will soon issue a written improvement in the policy.
Once you have approved the issuance of the policy in question, ask for the original documents and copies of the policy, complete with a receipt as a sign of ownership and payment of insurance premiums
By: M. Ichsan, Insurance Republic
source : translated from (source :
1. Separate the items / objects in accordance with its economic calculation
Choose items that really need to be insured, so you have nothing to lose. For example, if you intend to take fire insurance for the house and household furniture, then you do not need to enter the computer and all the trimmings into the calculation. Why? Because the recovery value for the computer company is very low if compared at the time of the purchase value of the computer or be insured at the time.
Another example, you will take the insurance of motor vehicles (cars) on the company's assets. If the cars that will be insured are aged over 10 years, the economic cost of insurance premiums will be greater. Another case if the company can set their own / self-insurance on the vehicle's assets.
2. Identify goods / objects are clearly
You should first identify the goods / objects that will be insured. For example, the Toyota Corolla sedan in 1998. At the company, such as a garment factory and its machinery, generators and other equipment associated with the event factory.
3. Choose your insurance company with a good reputation
Do not be fooled by insurance companies that provide premium rate (the amount paid for a given protection unit) is low or high premium discount. If you do, can-can the insurance company can not claim complete payment when you make a claim against them.
4. Give information clearly
Give very clear description of the object you are insured to the insurance / insurance broker. Instead, ask-more complete information about the insurance products they offer. You can ask about the types of insurance, extensive warranties, rate premiums, deductibles (the amount of expenses you will pay before the insurance company began paying compensation), cut or claim procedures.
5. Ask the scope of insurance coverage (insurance coverage) is best
You should ask the most extensive insurance before the insurance guarantee insurance policy is issued.
For example, for fire insurance you can ask RSMD Fire Insurance 4.1.A or 4.1.B earthquake (earthquake) flood (flood). Property insurance for buildings, you can ask property covers all risks (PAR). If you want to insure your vehicle, ask your motor vehicle insurance covers all risks RSMD 4.1.A, etc..
6. Select a package of insurance products
Instead of just choosing one insurance product, you are encouraged to select one package at once. That way you will get discount facilities and better services. For example the purchase of home insurance (fire insurance) following cars (Car Insurance) and personal accident for family members.
7. Request system "First Loss Insurance"
Special coverage for objects that have a value / a very large number, for example over Rp 100 billion, have the system of "first loss insurance" to the insurance that the premium you pay is not too large.
8. Ask the system "Adjustable Policy"
Value / amount of insurance stock merchandise usually indicates a different volume every day or every month. To fix this, you can ask the system "adjustable policy". With this system you will pay premiums in accordance with the volume / transaction really have to do.
9. Read, thorough and asked
Read it carefully and examine the contents of the policy statements and articles, chapters. Ask about the procedures that will claim you did before agreeing to an insurance policy issuance.
If there are errors in writing, either on the object of insurance or other information, immediately notify the insurance company / insurance broker. They will soon issue a written improvement in the policy.
Once you have approved the issuance of the policy in question, ask for the original documents and copies of the policy, complete with a receipt as a sign of ownership and payment of insurance premiums
By: M. Ichsan, Insurance Republic
source : translated from (source :
Saturday, December 5, 2009
choosing a good car insurance by Triagus
Inevitably, a prolonged economic crisis that happened, felt
difficult by almost all sectors of business activity. This condition becomes increasingly difficult, if the company had to bear the risks that might occur on the assets supporting activities. Therefore, now is the time to transfer risk to the insurance company as a guarantor risk. But choosing a car insurance sometimes tricky.
You're looking for and confused choosing car insurance?, Maybe these tips can be a bit under consideration do not forget I enclose information / quote for car insurance can be the mother / father learned:
1. Quality:
Make sure the insurance first to be elected, including insurance categories have got prediket Best General Insurance, Indonesian Best Brand Award, Indonsian Customer Satisfaction Award. Because with this certification clearly shows that the insurance is reliable, trustworthy, and proven responsibility in serving the customer claim.
2. Cost Own Risk (Own Risk):
Sometimes back and forth to the repair shop insurance is also something that makes lazy customers, especially some of the insurance claim the system to apply to the payment of fees OR (Own Risk) or the risk itself is an average of Rp 100,000 .- one based on per event, per collision, and so of course it makes you be much burdened with the cost claim to pay OR if frequent back and forth to the shop insurance, not necessarily satisfying the customer's machine shop work done by the workshop for the mock or non-authorized. Sometimes the paint striped body image Betong make your car as if it had tremendous impact this would make your car selling points decline. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. It's good for a very busy and lazy Bulak insurance back to the workshop should select an insurance can receive 1 (one) claim it but a collection of some of the impact / collision events within different, so maybe in a year enough time to 1 garage insurance and pay a one time OR your car body back smoothly because the garage was done by a trusted or authorized repair shop (authorized). Save and efficient.
3. Claim Process:
As to the insurance claim process should be examined first, there are several car insurance when the customer receives the claim so convoluted it is to have it ready lah lah surveyornya wait, sometimes have to argue is the first survey. Yet sometimes take a few days just to wait for SPK (Work Warrant) issued the insurance to the repair shop could fix our cars. Things like this sometimes customers feel ignored and a lot of time to wait tebuang just a piece of paper / letter. Leave a process like this is already old, you should select an insurance claim is not complicated as fast less than 30 minutes of PRS was in your hands so you stay in the shop when determining insurance.
4. Work:
Many are applying some insurance rates cheap, but what if the result of the workshop was not qualified associates mock alias and not satisfying the customer. Sometimes even the paint of your car looks a mess, make your car body image as if it had tremendous impact this would make your car selling points decline. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. Pay attention to this and select the insurance with a trusted partner workshops and official (authorized). Remember that your vehicle is a valuable asset, do not Sepelekan using dubious insurance services just because the difference in price premiums just a few dollars
5. Spare Parts (Spare Parts):
Spare parts are the most important part in your car, make sure the insurance guarantee spare part that used the original with warranty. Be careful with insurance that does not guarantee this so fatal consequences.
6. Responsibility to Third Parties (TJH / TPL) and the PA (Personal Accident):
This feature should be observed carefully because at the time of the accident hit a motorcycle crash example sometimes - sometimes 3rd party even more severe damage than us. Here dipelukan role of this feature, we suggest you choose an insurance with the responsibility to the big three, so you are not burdened with extra costs. Likewise with personal accident protection features driver / passenger it is also very necessary. Select insurance which is included with this feature.
7. Free Service Protection 24 Hours:
This is a very, very important when we choose car insurance, car insurance that many rely on and provide cheap rates only protection but service was not satisfactory, no 24-hour service, no telephone service sometimes difficult to be reached even nothing is said, sometimes Sometimes the area is also very limited protection was sometimes only Jabotabek area only. Exiting the Jabotabek, you can not worry if there is a problem with your car like a strike on the highway due to a flat tire, need a crane, a key left in the car, run out of fuel, etc.. Leave this concern, select the insurance with 24-hour alert and wide area protection in Indonesia. So if you are touring out of town as far as to Medan or Bali not worry if there is a problem with your car. This feature needs to be considered for those of you who love to travel far (touring).
8. SRCC (Strike, Riot and Civil commotion - Riots, Strikes and Huru Hara & Flood):
This feature is highly recommended insurance that will ensure the risk resulting from a disturbance of public order committed by a group of people, and the actions the authorities in taking actions against such interference, whether related to the strike and counteraction to work, and civil unrest which took political bemotif. Also ensure the expansion of insurance losses caused by water overflowing out of the normal limits of the river, lakes, swamps, jebolnya floodgates, dams jebolnya, continuous rain that can not be accommodated by water channels. Damage due to flooding include damage to the interior, exterior, dashboard panels, mechanical, electrical and other damage to the insured vehicle bemotor. Select insurance already included this feature.
9. Flexibility In Payment:
Choose your car insurance premium payments flexible, can be done with cash, transfer, or credit card (Visa / Mastercard). This may help your financial management.
source : translated from
Inevitably, a prolonged economic crisis that happened, felt
difficult by almost all sectors of business activity. This condition becomes increasingly difficult, if the company had to bear the risks that might occur on the assets supporting activities. Therefore, now is the time to transfer risk to the insurance company as a guarantor risk. But choosing a car insurance sometimes tricky.
You're looking for and confused choosing car insurance?, Maybe these tips can be a bit under consideration do not forget I enclose information / quote for car insurance can be the mother / father learned:
1. Quality:
Make sure the insurance first to be elected, including insurance categories have got prediket Best General Insurance, Indonesian Best Brand Award, Indonsian Customer Satisfaction Award. Because with this certification clearly shows that the insurance is reliable, trustworthy, and proven responsibility in serving the customer claim.
2. Cost Own Risk (Own Risk):
Sometimes back and forth to the repair shop insurance is also something that makes lazy customers, especially some of the insurance claim the system to apply to the payment of fees OR (Own Risk) or the risk itself is an average of Rp 100,000 .- one based on per event, per collision, and so of course it makes you be much burdened with the cost claim to pay OR if frequent back and forth to the shop insurance, not necessarily satisfying the customer's machine shop work done by the workshop for the mock or non-authorized. Sometimes the paint striped body image Betong make your car as if it had tremendous impact this would make your car selling points decline. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. It's good for a very busy and lazy Bulak insurance back to the workshop should select an insurance can receive 1 (one) claim it but a collection of some of the impact / collision events within different, so maybe in a year enough time to 1 garage insurance and pay a one time OR your car body back smoothly because the garage was done by a trusted or authorized repair shop (authorized). Save and efficient.
3. Claim Process:
As to the insurance claim process should be examined first, there are several car insurance when the customer receives the claim so convoluted it is to have it ready lah lah surveyornya wait, sometimes have to argue is the first survey. Yet sometimes take a few days just to wait for SPK (Work Warrant) issued the insurance to the repair shop could fix our cars. Things like this sometimes customers feel ignored and a lot of time to wait tebuang just a piece of paper / letter. Leave a process like this is already old, you should select an insurance claim is not complicated as fast less than 30 minutes of PRS was in your hands so you stay in the shop when determining insurance.
4. Work:
Many are applying some insurance rates cheap, but what if the result of the workshop was not qualified associates mock alias and not satisfying the customer. Sometimes even the paint of your car looks a mess, make your car body image as if it had tremendous impact this would make your car selling points decline. Although the customer can complain to the insurance, but how long the loss of your time wasted. Pay attention to this and select the insurance with a trusted partner workshops and official (authorized). Remember that your vehicle is a valuable asset, do not Sepelekan using dubious insurance services just because the difference in price premiums just a few dollars
5. Spare Parts (Spare Parts):
Spare parts are the most important part in your car, make sure the insurance guarantee spare part that used the original with warranty. Be careful with insurance that does not guarantee this so fatal consequences.
6. Responsibility to Third Parties (TJH / TPL) and the PA (Personal Accident):
This feature should be observed carefully because at the time of the accident hit a motorcycle crash example sometimes - sometimes 3rd party even more severe damage than us. Here dipelukan role of this feature, we suggest you choose an insurance with the responsibility to the big three, so you are not burdened with extra costs. Likewise with personal accident protection features driver / passenger it is also very necessary. Select insurance which is included with this feature.
7. Free Service Protection 24 Hours:
This is a very, very important when we choose car insurance, car insurance that many rely on and provide cheap rates only protection but service was not satisfactory, no 24-hour service, no telephone service sometimes difficult to be reached even nothing is said, sometimes Sometimes the area is also very limited protection was sometimes only Jabotabek area only. Exiting the Jabotabek, you can not worry if there is a problem with your car like a strike on the highway due to a flat tire, need a crane, a key left in the car, run out of fuel, etc.. Leave this concern, select the insurance with 24-hour alert and wide area protection in Indonesia. So if you are touring out of town as far as to Medan or Bali not worry if there is a problem with your car. This feature needs to be considered for those of you who love to travel far (touring).
8. SRCC (Strike, Riot and Civil commotion - Riots, Strikes and Huru Hara & Flood):
This feature is highly recommended insurance that will ensure the risk resulting from a disturbance of public order committed by a group of people, and the actions the authorities in taking actions against such interference, whether related to the strike and counteraction to work, and civil unrest which took political bemotif. Also ensure the expansion of insurance losses caused by water overflowing out of the normal limits of the river, lakes, swamps, jebolnya floodgates, dams jebolnya, continuous rain that can not be accommodated by water channels. Damage due to flooding include damage to the interior, exterior, dashboard panels, mechanical, electrical and other damage to the insured vehicle bemotor. Select insurance already included this feature.
9. Flexibility In Payment:
Choose your car insurance premium payments flexible, can be done with cash, transfer, or credit card (Visa / Mastercard). This may help your financial management.
source : translated from
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Success Car Insurance Claims filed
Success Car Insurance Claims filed
No need to worry about the compensation procedure or insurance claims that said some people a bit convoluted. Perhaps it also makes you afraid for insurance. Though accidents, damage, and auto theft can happen to anyone, including you. Therefore, it is important to protect it by insuring the vehicle to a trusted insurance companies.
Here are some steps that can be done to launch and success of car insurance claims that you add:
1. Check the condition of the vehicle
If you have an accident, immediately pulled over to a safe place to check the condition of the vehicle. If any party injured, immediately contact authorities to help follow up the case of an accident. After that, make sure to exchange data and information with third parties involved in an accident, such as name, address, contact details and name of insurance company each. Do not forget to record the number of car and police vehicles, as well as contact numbers witnesses (if any).
2. Do not disconnect liable
And whatever you do, do not claim responsibility for the incident before being found guilty by the authorities, and do not offer to pay compensation to third parties prior to approve it because the insurance company can cancel your insurance claim. However, if the third party claimed responsibility for the incident, then it can be a profitable note. Create a letter accompanied by a written agreement with the stamp.
3. Take pictures of objects in the scene
If you have a camera or camera phone, use to take some pictures from the accident scene. Take close-ups from different angles showing the shooting damage to the vehicle. Record the time and the scene of the accident.
4. Report of insurance company
Report the incidence of accidents to the insurance company as soon as you experience it. You may be asked to relate details of the accident and filing a claim form. Each insurance company has its own policy on this matter. Generally, claims filing deadline no later than 3x24 hours after the incident, equipped with a number of supporting documents such as copies of vehicle registration, driver's license, insurance policies, and other documents.
5. Police
If you experience vehicle vandalism by the hands of ignorant or stolen, or an accident that occurred not because of your negligence (such as driving over the speed limit or under the influence of alcohol), then report the matter to the police to obtain a certificate or official report police.
6. Possible pay
Prior to making an insurance claim, remember that you probably will have to pay some costs, especially if the accident occurred due to your mistake. Therefore, do check in advance about what costs should be paid to re-read the insurance policy document, or directly contacting your insurance company.
However, if the incident occurred through no fault of you, or the claim is resolved by a third-party insurance company, then no charge should you spend.
7. Filing claims
After the claims filed, would have sent officers to check the insurance company the damage. If the vehicle needs repairs, the insurance company will appoint a specific repair shop to fix it. However, it is also possible that you as the insured party suggested another garage. But the claim filing process usually can last longer, especially if the insurance company objected to the estimated cost required to repair the vehicle.
8. Repairs
If an accident occurs due to third-party errors and claimed responsibility, then the insurance company must pay the damages. Procedures that you need to live the same with the above. However, if the third party is not insured then your insurance company to cover the cost of repairs.
9. Find out the failure of the claim
If the underlying claim was rejected by the insurance company, then find out what caused the failure of the claim by requesting a written statement. If you do not agree with the reasons for such rejection or feel unfairly treated, then do further talks with the insurance.
Author : Yulia Permata Sari
source : Translated from
No need to worry about the compensation procedure or insurance claims that said some people a bit convoluted. Perhaps it also makes you afraid for insurance. Though accidents, damage, and auto theft can happen to anyone, including you. Therefore, it is important to protect it by insuring the vehicle to a trusted insurance companies.
Here are some steps that can be done to launch and success of car insurance claims that you add:
1. Check the condition of the vehicle
If you have an accident, immediately pulled over to a safe place to check the condition of the vehicle. If any party injured, immediately contact authorities to help follow up the case of an accident. After that, make sure to exchange data and information with third parties involved in an accident, such as name, address, contact details and name of insurance company each. Do not forget to record the number of car and police vehicles, as well as contact numbers witnesses (if any).
2. Do not disconnect liable
And whatever you do, do not claim responsibility for the incident before being found guilty by the authorities, and do not offer to pay compensation to third parties prior to approve it because the insurance company can cancel your insurance claim. However, if the third party claimed responsibility for the incident, then it can be a profitable note. Create a letter accompanied by a written agreement with the stamp.
3. Take pictures of objects in the scene
If you have a camera or camera phone, use to take some pictures from the accident scene. Take close-ups from different angles showing the shooting damage to the vehicle. Record the time and the scene of the accident.
4. Report of insurance company
Report the incidence of accidents to the insurance company as soon as you experience it. You may be asked to relate details of the accident and filing a claim form. Each insurance company has its own policy on this matter. Generally, claims filing deadline no later than 3x24 hours after the incident, equipped with a number of supporting documents such as copies of vehicle registration, driver's license, insurance policies, and other documents.
5. Police
If you experience vehicle vandalism by the hands of ignorant or stolen, or an accident that occurred not because of your negligence (such as driving over the speed limit or under the influence of alcohol), then report the matter to the police to obtain a certificate or official report police.
6. Possible pay
Prior to making an insurance claim, remember that you probably will have to pay some costs, especially if the accident occurred due to your mistake. Therefore, do check in advance about what costs should be paid to re-read the insurance policy document, or directly contacting your insurance company.
However, if the incident occurred through no fault of you, or the claim is resolved by a third-party insurance company, then no charge should you spend.
7. Filing claims
After the claims filed, would have sent officers to check the insurance company the damage. If the vehicle needs repairs, the insurance company will appoint a specific repair shop to fix it. However, it is also possible that you as the insured party suggested another garage. But the claim filing process usually can last longer, especially if the insurance company objected to the estimated cost required to repair the vehicle.
8. Repairs
If an accident occurs due to third-party errors and claimed responsibility, then the insurance company must pay the damages. Procedures that you need to live the same with the above. However, if the third party is not insured then your insurance company to cover the cost of repairs.
9. Find out the failure of the claim
If the underlying claim was rejected by the insurance company, then find out what caused the failure of the claim by requesting a written statement. If you do not agree with the reasons for such rejection or feel unfairly treated, then do further talks with the insurance.
Author : Yulia Permata Sari
source : Translated from
car insurance,
car insurance claim
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